

“Annie” Sadlon earned her BFA from The University of Hartford, magna cum laude, with a major in Graphic Design.  While in college, she had the privilege of studying abroad in Florence, Italy where inspiration abounded.  After graduation, she started her own design studio and has freelanced for advertising agencies and private companies producing print and web design.

A passionate colorist at heart, she began painting with Acrylics then discovered Pastels while living in Zuerich, Switzerland, where she developed a realistic style.  Since her introduction to Oil & Cold Wax, she has pivoted to more abstract work. 

Her newer work has evolved into mixed media expressions, in both Acrylic and Oil & Cold Wax, that incorporate collage and found materials into the surfaces and textures, creating an interplay of color and light.

Annie has exhibited in juried shows at The New Britain Museum of American Art, The Society of Creative Arts of Newtown (SCAN), Arts Escape in Southbury, CT and recently participated in a three woman exhibit entitled, “The Way We Are”, at the Kershner Gallery in Fairfield, CT, that ran from 6/24/23 to 8/19/23.

Her paintings have earned her numerous awards in national and international juried shows. A former member of the Connecticut Pastel Society, she is currently a member of SCAN and is an exhibiting member of Gallery 25 in New Milford, CT.

She works from her home studio in Connecticut.